Tuesday, December 10, 2013

birthdays & young love & other nonsense

You guys! It was Ryans birthday yesterday!
(please allow a little bragging towards the end of this post. After all it is boyfriends birthday... I think I get a free pass-- I normally restrain myself from getting to girly but I just kinda like him)

Nothing to exciting going on here in Flagstaff, It's so close to finals (plus we're celebrating Christmas this weekend!) and he's not that into birthdays so the planning thing didn't really happen on my part... yeah, I know that's probably breaking some kind of girlfriend rule but we're both pretty happy just to spend some time together (at least, I know I am) especially because we'll be spending a month apart over Christmas, we went to class and then spent a lot of time cuddling (my choice) and then we just ran some errands (his choice) and we came back and ate and then we played "Battle of the Sexes" with some of our friends, I was not very good but it is a game I suggest for sure! It was so fun. We bought the game at goodwill (goodwill always has so many inexpensive board games- full sets! It's the go to place!) and ended up playing for like 2 hours! It was so perfect to spend all day long with my favorite 19 year old boyfriend!

I also didn't take any birthday pictures (seriously, i'm losing major girlfriend points for Ryans birthday)
but here's one from California:

Ryan-  Thank you for everything and I mean EVERYTHING. the good & the bad. You have seen me at my best and you have seen me on days that are just awful and you put up with it all. I am thankful for you every day but especially today. I am thankful for you for always making me smile and thinking of me [and others] even on your special day. I am thankful that you appreciate what I do even when it's not that great. I am thankful for your honesty. I like that you take me on errands with you. I am thankful for the fun we have-- we always have fun, no matter what we're doing. I'm thankful for your kisses and cuddles and quiet moments and walks. I am thankful that you care and make an effort to show me that you do. I love when you tease me, because we all know sometimes I need that. I am thankful that you give me piggy back rides and pick me up (sometimes) and spin me when we walk and hold hands.  I am thankful that we are so comfortable around each other and I can tell you everything. You are the most handsome, caring, funny, honest & wonderful person I have ever met & I'm so lucky I can call you mine. All my friends have told me I'm in the honeymoon stage of this relationship, but I hope that never goes away because I fall more in love with you every moment. Happy Birthday, Ryan. I hope it's the best xx

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