Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Letters

Dear Ryan,
Thank you for everything this passed week. Thank you for being so loving to me. We will see each other in one short week, I am so excited. You write me real life letters and remind me how much you can't wait to kiss me and that makes me smile and gives my tummy butterflies. I hope you never stop kissing me and never stop giving me butterflies.

Dear Father, Sunday is YOUR day. I wish I could be there with the family but I can't. Thank you for supporting me and being proud of me. Thank you for reminding me that life is an adventure, not a chore. Thank you for teaching me to be in love with the out doors.

Dear Sister B, Thank you for all the food & love this week. I needed your homemade cookies and grilled cheese sandwhich stuff more than anything. Thank you for looking out for me and adopting me, I honestly don't know what I would do with out you.

Dear Heather, Oh I can't wait to see you. I can't wait for a long drive and laughs. Thank you for being the only one up in the middle of the night when I need to talk about my future, my boy and my excitment. Thank you for being just as excited as I am for CA next week. You are meant for so much. I can't wait to see where our lives end up.

Dear weekend, Please hurry by. Go by fast because when you are over I only have 7 days left until I am reunited with my boy!

Dear job, You seem to get more doable with every shift. More fun too. Thank you. Thank you to my co-workers and boss for your patience. I am trying my very hardest and I think maybe I FINALLY have it together.

Dear Self, Free your mind. 10 million thoughts a minute are not good for your health or stress. Smile. Relax and enjoy it. Trust. In. God. He knows, he really does know what he's doing. Pray more and just let go. Easier said then done. We'll see how this week goes.

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