Friday, November 22, 2013

We don't care about the young folks & we don't care about the old folks.

Despite, my love for Gilbert and daily homesickness... I really love college.
I have met so many nice people here and they are always inviting me to do fun things!
I know that NAU is where I'm supposed to be right now.
I am happy here.
It took me basically all semester to get here but I am so happy with where I'm at.
I am sorry I have been so bad at blogging but I have been so so busy, it's okay though! Just trying to keep up with my life and update the blog when I can!
This past weekend was so fun though, after being sick for 3 days straight I was so excited to get out on Thursday night with some of the girls in my hall for a girls night! We went to downtown flag and went out to dinner at this Pita Place, we explored a local candy store and then headed back to the dorms to change into our jammies. Once we were all comfy we drove to Walmart, windows down singing at the top of our lungs the whole way there, we bought face masks to do while we watched She's The Man because no girls night is complete without a chick flick!

I am so blessed to have met so many good friends here these gals (along with MarthaMary) make me love it here and make me enjoy every single day. Having neighbors that I can do homework with, watch movies with, complain to and be excited to make it so worth while. My friend Taylor one time gave me some advice "surround yourself with positive people" It was really hard for me to be happy my first couple months here but these people have helped me so much to enjoy my time here. Now I actually look forward to being on campus and coming back to the dorms. Alright well here's to the weekend! Let's hope this one is as good as last! xx

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