Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I see that you've come so far to be right where you are.

[Erin is leaving the 16th for college, needless to say we have been spending every minute together]
I start school tomorrow.
I am going to be a senior and still I am not the least bit excited! I am however, excited for the weekend! How sad is that? Haha, although it is kind of fun to think this is my last first day of school!
Well, other then college but that is a bit different! 
So, I tried to think back to my first day of kindergarden... I couldn't remember exactly but I do know I have always loved school. I love to learn and meeting new people, so although at this moment I am not as excited as I could be, I know it's going to be a great year (positive thinking!) These passed couple days I have been very busy! I haven't taken a lot of pictures but here are a couple from the itouch.

[Letter writing has been one of my biggest hobbies the more friends I have going to the mtc, coke and candy makes it oh so enjoyable :)]

[Bought flash earings for date night last friday]

[Rocked the cat shirt to a party last week]

[Just whopping my best friends butt at my new songpop app]

[Like I said... every second together. I love having best friends!]

P.S. Jason Marz's I Won't Give Up, again :)

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