Friday, July 20, 2012

there are some things that need to be said

[Dylans Candy Bar]
We went in to the city on wednesday and what a crazy day it was! We were gone for almost 12 hours! We spent some time at ABC studios for a live taping of The Chew (more on that later) We went to Dylans Candy Bar, where I splurged and bought a $10 umbrella because it was pouring rain! I'm not joking, guys! The rain seems to follow us! It was my best purchase of the day though because not only was it super cute and on sale but it kept us dry! Anyways here are some pictures!

picture number 1- Frozen Hot Chocolate from Serendipity! So yum!
picture number 2- Serendipity!
3- Me on the Alice and Wonderland Statue in Central Park, most definitely worth seeing!
the entire second row was strawberry fields and John Lennon memorial, also worth seeing!
7&8- FAO Shwarz! 
9-The Eloise store at the Plaza Hotel! Not many people know that the Plaza has a cafe you can also have tea (or hot cocoa) at that is much more affordable and that's where the Eloise store is!

Listening- Hazy by Rosi Golan
via pandora
Loving- Uptown Manhattan 
Hungry for–Breakfast!
Wanting– Nothing, really.
P.S. Batman premiere was yesterday, SO WORTH IT, guys! GO SEE IT!
I was so so so so so beyond pleased with the movie.

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