Sunday, October 16, 2011

new york, new york!

I think I've had a recent obsession with song lyrics because I feel like all of my recent titles are song lyrics!
Anyways, here is my fall break...
through pictures:
Day # 1
Went to church. 

Day # 3:
Went in to the city :)

Time Square.

Rocka Feller Center.

"Nothing says love like a Tiffanys"

FAO Shwartz!

p.s. i didn't even eat mine because Of my no sweets challenge i'm doing with Jacob!

Day # 6.
The city (again)

 The museum of Natural History!

New York was AWESOME! I took 230 pictures so be expecting tons of pictures and tons of stories ALL WEEK. I'm going back to school tomorow.... which I'm actually excited about, lets hope this happiness/ excitment lasts! Adios! Here's to happiness!

1 comment:

  1. You went to serendipity and ordered but didn't eat/drink it? Crazy!!!! ♥ ya!
